Ryan MacDonald
Ph.D., P.Ag.
Ryan is a hydrologist specializing in process-based hydrology and the interactions between water resources and aquatic ecosystems. He uses this core knowledge to address complex issues at the intersection of human land use, climate, and the natural environment. This background enables him to pursue research questions that can be applied in a practical management context and provide guidance to federal, provincial, and First Nation governments.
Ryan’s habitat consists of creeks and rivers in mountainous environments and can be found across western Canada but is most often found in the upper Columbia River watershed and along the Eastern Slopes of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. When not in his work environment, Ryan can be found in riparian areas hunting for salmonids or ungulates, basking in the sun, or travelling by bike or skis.
Life History
Ryan loves music but failed as a rock star. As a result of this failure, he pursued academia and now holds a B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. from the University of Lethbridge and is a registered Professional Agrologist in British Columbia and Alberta. Ryan is a nomad, but based in the Rocky Mountain Trench, denning near Cranbrook, BC.
Ryan is a rare creature that has been observed sharing his den and caring for, in addition to other homo sapiens, domestic dogs (canis lupis familiaris), cats (felis catus), miniature donkeys (Equus asinus), horses (Equus caballus), and goats (capra aegagrus hircus).

Peer-reviewed Articles published in refereed journals and books:
Moore, R. D., & MacDonald, R. J. (2024). JAMES BUTTLE REVIEW: Quantifying the influence of forestry and forest disturbance on stream temperature: Methodologies and challenges. Hydrological Processes, 38(7), e15223.
Dekker, Isaac, Kristian L. Dubrawski, Pearce Jones, and Ryan MacDonald. 2024. "Estimating Non-Stationary Extreme-Value Probability Distribution Shifts and Their Parameters Under Climate Change Using L-Moments and L-Moment Ratio Diagrams: A Case Study of Hydrologic Drought in the Goat River Near Creston, British Columbia" Hydrology 11, no. 9: 154
Chernos, M., MacDonald, R. J., Straker, J., Green, K., & Craig, J. R. (2022). Simulating the cumulative effects of potential open-pit mining and climate change on streamflow and water quality in a mountainous watershed. Science of The Total Environment, 806, 150394.
Hopkinson, C., Fuoco, B., Grant, T., Bayley, S.E., Brisco, B., and MacDonald, R.J. 2020. Wetland hydroperiod change along the upper Columbia River Floodplain, Canada, 1984 to 2019. Remote Sensing. DOI: 10.3390/rs12244084.
Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Craig, J., and Nemeth, M. 2020. Current and Future Projections of Glacier Contribution to Streamflow in the Upper Athabasca River Basin. Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques. DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2020.1815587.
Marcotte, D., MacDonald, R.J., and Nemeth, M. 2019. Participatory water management modelling in the Athabasca River Basin, Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2019.1702103.
Mirmasoudi, S., Byrne, J., MacDonald, R.J., Johnson, D., and Kroebel R. 2019. Modelling historical and potential future climate impacts on Keremeos Creek, an Okanagan-Similkameen watershed, British Columbia, Canada: Part I. Forecasting change in spring and summer water supply and demand, Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 44:4, 350-366, DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2019.1640137.
Mirmasoudi, S., Byrne, J., Kroebel, R., Johnson, D., MacDonald R.J. 2019. Modelling historical and potential future climate impacts on Keremeos Creek, an Okanagan-Similkameen watershed, British Columbia, Canada: Part II. Forecasting change in farm-level greenhouse gas emissions. Canadian Water Resources Journal. 2019;44(4):367-381.
Mirmasoudi, S., Byrne, J., Kroebel, R., Johnson, D., MacDonald, R.J. 2018. A novel time‑effective model for daily distributed solar radiation estimates across variable terrain. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering. 9(4):383–398.
Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., & Craig, J. 2017. Efficient Semi-Distributed Hydrological Modelling Workflow for Simulating Streamflow and Characterizing Hydrologic Processes. Confluence: Journal of Watershed Science and Management, 1(3).
Sauchyn, D.J., St-Jacques, J., Barrow, E., Nemeth, M., MacDonald, R.J., Sheer, A.M., and Sheer, D.P. 2015. Adaptive Water Resource Planning in the South Saskatchewan River Basin: Use of Scenarios of Hydroclimatic Variability and Extremes. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-19. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12378.
Byrne, J.M., Fagre, D., MacDonald, R.J., and Muhlfeld, C. 2014. Climate Change and the Rocky Mountains. In: Grover V.I, Borsdorf A, Breuste J, Tiwari P.C, and Witkowski Frangetto F. (eds) Impact of Global Change on Mountains: Responses and Adaptation. CRC Press. 400 pp.
Wagner, M.J., Silins, U., Bladon, K.D., Williams, C.H.S., Boon, S., MacDonald, R.J., Stone, M., Emelko, M.B., Martens, A.M., and Anderson, A. 2014. Catchment-scale stream temperature response to land disturbance by wildfire governed by surface-subsurface energy exchange and atmospheric controls. Journal of Hydrology. 519: 328-338.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S., and Byrne, J.M. 2014. Process-based stream temperature modelling approach for mountain regions. Journal of Hydrology. 511: 920-931.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S., Byrne, J.M, Robinson, M.R., and Rasmussen, J.B. 2014. Potential future climate effects on mountain hydrology, stream temperature, and native salmonid life history. Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences. DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2013-0221.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S., Byrne, J.M, and Silins, U. 2014. A comparison of surface and subsurface controls on summer temperature in a headwater stream. Hydrological Processes. DOI:10.1002/hyp.9756.
MacDonald, R.J., Byrne, J.M., Boon, S., and Kienzle, S.W. 2012. Modelling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Snowpack in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, Alberta. Water Resources Management. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-012-0016-2.
Kienzle, S.W., Nemeth, M.W., Byrne, J.M., and MacDonald, R.J. 2011. Simulating the hydrological impacts of climate change in the upper North Saskatchewan River basin, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Hydrology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.01.058.3.
MacDonald, R.J., Byrne, J.M., and Kienzle, S.W. 2010. The St. Mary's River. Chapter 14 In: Sauchyn, D.J., Diaz, H. and Kulsthrestha, S. (eds.) The New Normal: The Canadian Prairies in a Changing Climate. CPRC Press, Regina, SK. 7 pp.
MacDonald, R.J., Byrne, J.M., Kienzle, S.W., and Larson, R. 2011. Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on snowpack in the St. Mary River watershed, Montana. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 12: 262-273.
MacDonald, R.J., Byrne, J.M., and Kienzle, S.W. 2009. A physically based daily hydrometeorological model for complex mountain terrain. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 10: 1430-1446.
Selected non-refereed contributions:
Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Green, K. 2020. The hydrological effect of forest disturbance on the Kettle River Watershed, BC. MacDonald Hydrology Consultants Ltd., Apex Geoscience Consultants Ltd. Report prepared for British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Chernos, M, and MacDonald R.J. 2020. Michel Coal Project Surficial Hydrology Baseline Report. Submitted to North Coal Ltd. 106 pp.
MacDonald, R.J. 2020. Elkview Operations Rhodamine WT Tracer Study. Submitted to Teck Coal Ltd. 7 pp.
MacDonald, R.J., and Chernos, M. 2020. Hydrologic Assessment of the Upper Columbia River Watershed. Submitted to Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners. 64 pp.
Chernos, M., and MacDonald, R.J. 2020. Identifying high-runoff areas during peak streamflow on the Eastern Slopes of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Submitted to Alberta Environment and Parks and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. 65 pp.
MacDonald, R.J. 2019. Hawkins Creek Watershed Assessment. Submitted to Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 99 pp.
Carlson, M., MacDonald R.J., Wilson, B., Nordquist, D., Chernos, M., Milligan, S. 2019. Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Climate Change and Land Use to the Trans Mountain Pipeline and Wildlife Habitat in the North Thompson Watershed. Prepared for the Adams Lake Indian Band. 86 pp.
Davidson, A., H. Tepper, J. Bisset, K. Anderson, P.J. Tschaplinski, A. Chirico, A. Waterhouse, W. Franklin, W. Burt, R. MacDonald, E. Chow, C. van Rensen, and T. Ayele. 2018. Aquatic Ecosystems Cumulative Effects Assessment Report.
Chernos, M., Bonifacio, C., and MacDonald, R.J. 2017. Water Supply and Demand in Nansen and Victoria Creek, Yukon, Phase 1: Current Streamflow Regime and Range of Natural Variability. MacDonald Hydrology Consultants.
MacDonald, R.J., Chernos, M., Cairns, D., and Marcotte, D. 2017. Hydrologic Assessment for Riparian Assessment Units (RAU). 26 pp.
Alberta WaterSMART. 2017. ARB Initiative Interim Report 1. Produced by Alberta WaterSMART for Alberta Innovates, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 146 pages. Available online at http://www.albertawatersmart.com/. (MacDonald, R.J., Marcotte, D., Chernos, M.)
Alberta WaterSMART. 2017. Quantifying the effects of climate change and land use on streamflow and lake levels in the Lesser Slave Watershed. Produced by Alberta WaterSMART for the Lesser Slave Watershed Council. 36 pages. (Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J.)
Advice to Government on Water Management in the Bow River Basin. 2017. Prepared by Alberta WaterSMART for the Government of Alberta. 226 pp.
MacDonald, R.J., and Marcotte, D. 2017. Ghost State of the Watershed. Prepared for the Ghost Watershed Alliance Society. 138 pp.
MacDonald, R.J. 2016. Jim Smith Watershed Assessment. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 13 pp.
MacDonald, R.J.. 2016. Palliser Watershed Assessment. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 28 pp.
MacDonald, R.J.. and Cairns D. 2015. Pippen Watershed Assessment. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 14 pp.
The South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) – Adaptation to Climate Variability Project.
St-Jacques, J.M., Sauchyn, D.J., Barrow, E., Nemeth, M.W., MacDonald, R.J., Sheer, A.M., Sheer, D.P. 2015. Adaptive water resource planning in the South Saskatchewan River Basin: use of scenarios of hydroclimatic variability and extremes. 27th Pacific Climate Workshop, Pacific Grove, California.
MacDonald, R.J., and Goodbrand, A. 2015. Sandown Creek Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Project. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 65 pp.
Bow Basin Flood Mitigation and Watershed Management Project. 2014. Prepared by Alberta WaterSMART. 124 pp.
MacDonald, R.J., and Robinson, M.D. 2014. Cabin Watershed Assessment. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 49 pp.
MacDonald, R.J., and Robinson, M.D. 2014. Hogranch Watershed Assessment. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 40 pp.
MacDonald, R.J., Anderson, A., Silins, U., and Craig, J. 2014. Applying physically representative watershed modelling to assess peak and low flow response to timber harvest: Application for watershed assessments. American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, H51G-0690.
Barnes, C., Byrne, J., MacDonald, R.J., Lewis, D. 2014. Elk River Watershed – Flood study. American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, GC41B-0551.
Mirmasoudi, S., Byrne, J., MacDonald, R.J., Lewis, D. 2014. High resolution modelling of crop response to climate change. American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, GC41B-0553.
Byrne, J., MacDonald, R.J., Cairns, D., Barnes, C., Mirmasoudi, S., and Lewis, D. 2014. Integrated resource management at a watershed scale (invited). American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, H14B-05.
McPherson, S., K. Kuchapski., and MacDonald R.J. 2014. Lardeau River watershed, water quality monitoring report, 2009 to 2012. A Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project. Prepared by Lotic Environmental Ltd. for the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S., Byrne, J.M., and Silins, U. 2013. Changes in snowmelt runoff timing: Potential implications for stream temperature and native salmonids. American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, GC23C-0958.
MacDonald, R. J. and Robinson, M. D. 2013. Line Creek Stream Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Assessment – Report. Prepared for Teck Coal Ltd. Prepared by Lotic Environmental Ltd.
Robinson, M.D., MacDonald, R.J., Day, S., Swanson, J., and McPherson, S. 2013. Teck Coal Ltd – Calcite Monitoring Plan. Prepared for Teck Coal Ltd by Lotic Environmental Ltd, SRK Consulting Inc and Swanson Environmental Strategies Ltd.
Larson, R., MacDonald, R.J., and Byrne, J.M. 2013. Historical Agreements and Future Climates: Water sharing challenges in the St. Mary/Milk Rivers. CWRA BC Branch Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC. March 5-7.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S, and Byrne, J.M. 2013. Stream temperature response to environmental change. Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Annual Meeting. Lethbridge, Alberta. March 9.
MacDonald, R.J. 2013. Epistemic error and our understanding of stream temperature response to environmental change. Department of Geography invited seminar. Lethbridge, Alberta, January 18.
MacDonald, R.J., Byrne, J.M., and Boon, S. 2012. Quantifying stream temperature response to environmental change in a groundwater-dominated catchment, Alberta. American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, H53E-1578.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S and Byrne, J.M. 2012. A comparison of surface and subsurface controls on summer stream temperature in a headwater drainage basin, Alberta. Canadian Geophysical Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, June 6.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S and Byrne, J.M. 2012. A process perspective on stream temperature. Canadian Geophysical Hydrology Section Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, April 10.
Robinson, M.D., and MacDonald, R.J. 2011. Elk River Fisheries Enhancement Program – October 2011 Enhancement Opportunities Report. Prepared for Teck Coal Ltd. and the Regional Fisheries Management Group. Prepared by Lotic Environmental Ltd.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S, and Byrne, J.M. 2011. Using reach scale data to model stream temperature at the watershed scale. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington, September 7.
MacDonald, R.J., Boon, S, and Byrne, J.M. 2010. Assessing stream temperature response to environmental change – modelling framework. GC51D-0787 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec 13-17.
MacDonald, R.J., Byrne, J.M., Boon, S. 2010. Assessing stream temperature response to environmental change. Oldman Watershed Council Science Forum, Lethbridge, Alberta, October 20.
MacDonald, R. J., Boon, S., and Byrne, J. M. 2010. Stream temperature response to environmental change: Field techniques and modelling concepts. MTCLIM biennial mountain climate conference, HJ Andrews Research Forest, Blue River, Oregon, June 1-10.
MacDonald, R. J., Boon, S., and Byrne, J. M. 2010. Stream temperature response to environmental change: Background and methods. Canadian Geophysical Union, Hydrology section annual student meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, January 30.
MacDonald, R. J., Townshend, I., and Byrne, J. M. 2010. Potential effects of climate change on the spatial characteristics of mountain hydrometeorology in the upper North Saskatchewan River watershed, Alberta. CWRA Alberta Branch Annual conference, Edmonton, Alberta, March 28-30.
Byrne, J. M., Booth, E., Dalla Vicenza, S., and MacDonald, R. J. 2010. Historical and future environmental change indices, Upper North Saskatchewan watershed, Alberta. CWRA Alberta Branch Annual conference, Edmonton March 28-30.
Nemeth, M. W., Kienzle, S. W., Byrne, J. M., and MacDonald, R. J. 2010. Verification of simulated hydrological processes using the ACRU Agro-hydrological modelling system in the Upper North Saskatchewan River watershed, Alberta. CWRA Alberta Branch Annual conference, Edmonton March 28-30.
Lapp, S., Sauchyn, D. J., Byrne, J. M., and MacDonald, R. J. 2010. Using a fine scale hydrometeorology model to develop paleoclimate, historical, and GCM based future scenarios of soil moisture indices. CWRA Alberta Branch Annual conference, Edmonton March 28-30.
MacDonald, R.J., and N. Berzins. 2009. Upper Columbia River Hydrometric Analysis- Phase 1. For: Columbia Basin Trust, Water Program.
MacDonald, R.J., and Berzins, N. 2009. Upper Columbia River watershed hydrometric analysis – phase 1. Prepared for the Columbia Basin Trust. 72 pp.
Booth, E. J., Byrne, J. M., MacDonald, R. J., and Kienzle, S. W. 2009. Analysis of historical changes in extreme temperature and precipitation in Western North America, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC21A- 0727.
MacDonald, R. J., Byrne, J. M., and Kienzle, S. W. 2009. Testing the sensitivity of snowpack to climatic change in a large physiographically diverse watershed. Poster (international). Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC21A-0733.
Byrne, J. M., MacDonald, R. J., and Kienzle, S. W. 2009. Simulating hydrometeorological processes in large diverse watersheds. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC21A- 0732.
Byrne, J. M., MacDonald, R. J., and Kienzle, S. W. 2008. The development of the GENESYS hydro meteorological model for mountain environments. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting. Suppl., Abstract C21C-0567.
Byrne, J. M., Kienzle, S. W., and MacDonald, R. J. 2008. Modelling Detailed Hydrometeorological Surfaces and Runoff Response in Large Diverse Watersheds. CEATI, annual meeting, Montreal Quebec, October 8-9.
MacDonald, R. J., Byrne, J. M., Kienzle, S. W., and Blair, D. 2008. Developing detailed hydroclimatic surfaces for the upper St. Mary watershed, Montana-Alberta., CIRMOUNT, MntClim annual meeting, Silverton Colorado, June 9-13.
MacDonald, R. J., Byrne, J. M., and Kienzle, S. W. 2008. Assessing potential environmental change impacts in the St. Mary River watershed, Montana. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting. Suppl., Abstract C21C-0569.
MacDonald, R. J., Byrne, J. M., Kienzle, S.W., and Larson, R. 2007. Deriving high resolution historical and future climate databases for mountain environments. Eos Trans.AGU, 88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl., Abstract GC31C-04.
Forbes, K., Larson, R., MacDonald, R. J., Axelson, J., Kienzle, S. W., Byrne, J., and Sauchyn, D. 2006. Water resources risk assessment for Alberta watersheds under paleo, present, and future climate conditions: Four groundwork-laying projects. Alberta Ingenuity Center for Water Research. Fall meeting, Edmonton Alberta, November 10-12.