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Matthew Chernos

M.Sc., P.Geo.


Matt is a hydrologist specializing in hydrological modelling, mountain watershed processes, and river geomorphology. His work is grounded in the fundamentals of process-based hydrology and combines field experience with quantitative modelling. His work focuses on improving our understanding of the interactions between climate, land use, natural disturbances, and water.



Matt’s habitat is concentrated along the Canadian Rocky Mountains but has been found working on projects extending from the Yukon Plateau to the South Chilcotin Mountains and as far east as the Canadian Prairies. When not in his work environment Matt is typically found in secluded alpine and subalpine areas searching for the best ski lines and mountain runs.


Life History

Matt was born in the Elbow River watershed in Calgary, Alberta. He holds a B.Sc and M.Sc. from the University of British Columbia in Physical Geography and is registered as a Professional Geoscientist in Alberta and British Columbia. Matt dens have been noted in Vancouver, BC and Calgary, AB, but he has also been spotted travelling throughout the Andes and Himalaya.



Matt is hunted to exhaustion by the domestic cat (felis catus) who routinely infiltrates his den and interrupts daily activities by knocking pencils, loud calls during meetings, foraging, and sleeping on keyboards.

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Articles published or accepted in refereed journals and books:

  • Chernos, M., Green, K., & MacDonald, R. (2023). Hydrological Modelling to Inform Forest Management: Moving Beyond Equivalent Clearcut Area. Confluence: Journal of Watershed Science and Management, 6(1), 25-pp.

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R. J., Straker, J., Green, K., & Craig, J. R. (2022). Simulating the cumulative effects of potential open-pit mining and climate change on streamflow and water quality in a mountainous watershed. Science of The Total Environment, 150394.

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Craig, J., and Nemeth, M. (2020). Current and Future Projections of Glacier Contribution to Streamflow in the Upper Athabasca River Basin. Canadian Water Resources Journal.

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., and Craig, J. (2017) Efficient semi-distributed hydrological modelling workflow for simulating streamflow and characterizing hydrologic processes. Confluence: Journal of Watershed Science and Management, Volume 1, No03

  • Chernos, M., Koppes, M., and Moore, R.D. (2016). Ablation from calving and surface melt at lake-terminating Bridge Glacier, British Columbia, 1984-2013. The Cryosphere, 10:87-201.

  • Chernos, M. (2014). The relative importance of calving and surface ablation at a lacustrine terminating glacier: a detailed assessment of ice loss at Bridge Glacier, British Columbia. Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia.

  • Koppes, M., Conway, H., Rasmussen, L., and Chernos, M. (2011). Deriving mass balance and calving variations from reanalysis data and sparse observations, Glaciar San Rafael, northern Patagonia. The Cryosphere, 5:791–808.



Selected non-refereed contributions:

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Green, K. (2020). The hydrological effect of forest disturbance on the Kettle River Watershed, BC. MacDonald Hydrology Consultants Ltd., Apex Geoscience Consultants Ltd. Report prepared for British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Wagner, M., and Anderson, A. (2020). Identifying high-runoff areas during peak streamflow on the Eastern Slopes of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. MacDonald Hydrology Consultants Ltd. Submitted to Alberta Environment and Parks and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.

  • MacDonald, R.J., Chernos, M., and Cairns, D. 2018. Climate and hydrologic change assessment for the Fort Nelson Timber Supply Area. Prepared for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 39 pp.

  • Chernos, M., Bonifacio, C., and MacDonald, R.J. 2017. Water Supply and Demand in Nansen and Victoria Creek, Yukon, Phase 1: Current Streamflow Regime and Range of Natural Variability. MacDonald Hydrology Consultants.

  • Alberta WaterSMART. 2017. ARB Initiative Interim Report 1. Produced by Alberta WaterSMART for Alberta Innovates, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 146 pages. Available online at (MacDonald, R.J., Marcotte, D., Chernos, M.)

  • Alberta WaterSMART. 2017. Quantifying the effects of climate change and land use on streamflow and lake levels in the Lesser Slave Watershed. Produced by Alberta WaterSMART for the Lesser Slave Watershed Council. 36 pages. (Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J.)

  • Chernos, M., Marcotte, D., MacDonald, R.J. 2015. An Analysis of Flooding in the Elk Valley, BC. Prepared for Elk River Alliance on June 5, 2015. 51 pp.


Presentations in refereed conferences:

  • Chernos, M., Green, K., & MacDonald, R.J. Hydrological modelling as an improvement on ECA-based methods for informing risk-based forest management. Oral Presentation at Canadian Geophysical Union 2023 Scientific Meeting, May 9, 2023, H09b – Advances in forest hydrology.

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Wagner, M., and Anderson, A. Identifying high-runoff areas during peak streamflow on the Eastern Slopes of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Oral Presentation at Canadian Geophysical Union 2020 Scientific Meeting, June 5, 2020, Remote Webinar.

  • Chernos, M., MacDonald, R.J., Cairns, D., and Craig, J. Current and future projections of glacier contribution to streamflow in the upper Athabasca River Basin. Oral Presentation at Canadian Geophysical Union 2017 Scientific Meeting, May 28-31, 2017, Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Chernos, M., Koppes, M., and Moore, R.D. Calving and Mass Loss of a Lacustrine Terminating Glacier. Oral Presentation at Canadian Geophysical Union 2014 Scientific Meeting, May 4–8, 2014, Banff, Alberta.

  • Rennie, C., Church, M., Venditti, J., Bomhof, J., and Chernos, M. (2013). Influence of bedrock on river hydrodynamics and channel geometry. Poster at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 9-13, 2013, San Francisco, California.

  • Chernos, M. Bridge Glacier: Accelerated Retreat and Climate De-coupling of a Calving Glacier. Oral Presentation at Annual Meeting of North West Glaciologists, October 18–19, 2013, Burnaby, BC.

Matts Publications
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